Corporate Massage
We work with each company individually to tailor a program specifically for your company's needs. Pricing and services will depend on the program developed. Corporate massage therapy is an essential component of a cost-effective workplace.
Consider this:
Unplanned work absences cost companies $600 to $770 a year, per employee. Unplanned absences decrease worker productivity by 54 percent. Companies with poor morale have twice as much absenteeism as those with good morale. Stress causes more than 50 percent of missed workdays.
Corporate massage therapy tackles all of these problems. It reduces stress and improves worker morale, which means fewer
unplanned absences and less money wasted on absenteeism.
The additional bottom-line benefits of corporate massage include:
• higher overall productivity, by eliminating the distraction of stress and
enabling clearer thinking and improved focus
• fewer workmen’s compensation claims; one company reported a
$200,000 annual decrease after implementing corporate massage therapy.
• reduced healthcare insurance premiums, by improving circulation,
stimulating the immune system, and relieving pain associated with
repetitive motion and poor ergonomics. One company found that a
15-minute weekly massage helped employees reduce their blood pressure.
Individual Therapeutic Massage
We focus on healing therapeutic massage. This is not a "relaxing day at the spa" type of massage. We can help find the source of your pain, relieve the pain and work to rectify the problem-causing behavior.
One-hour massage $80
Ninety Minutes $120
One month package (4 visits) $280